Monday, December 5, 2011


I found this on Pinterest today and it reminded me of all the beautiful people I have in my life. Here's to all you beautiful people I know!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

There's an App for That!

So I just found out there an Blogger App for the iPhone!! You might just see a few more pictures and short blogs from this Dent now...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanks for the Reminder!

I've been doing a fair amount of "thinking" about lots of things lately. I saw this on Pintrest (yep, there is more that just cool crafts and yummy food on there) and felt like it was good reminder. So if you are like me and inherited the worrying gene from your Nana (or from anyone else for that matter) this one is for you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Teenage Tuesday

Since its almost 3am and I can't sleep I decided I needed to write down the thoughts just running through my head.... maybe that will help. In all truth LOTS of things have been running through my head, with little time to document so let's begin.

Working with teenagers is sheer joy to me. Yes, its not all roses and there are hard moments in my line of work. Like yesterday, I had to sit with a student for several hours and jump through some red tape to make a report because she disclosed suicidal ideations to me in group. And sometimes like today, I am IN AWE (and not the good kind) of the things they know and will share with me (like the concept of what a grenade is ... proceed with caution to the link, it IS urban dictionary afterall...) But even in the hard and trying times, I can feel the warmth from the strong ray of light shinning from the hope that is our future in the these kids.

Because there IS hope.

Picture shout out to the talented Candina!

There is hope in the fact that after those hours I spent with that young girl, we ended our conversation with a plan and the words, " I feel better now." Was it fixed. Not completely. But there was hope.

There is hope in the moment that I witnessed my middle school guys engaged in an activity where they use chairs to construct images of power and time and time again they have AMAZING insights. I was in awe (the good kind, this time) of one guy today who arranged his 4 chairs with 3 stacked on top of each other and one standing by the stack. I asked him what it was and it hold me it was a father holding his baby. He told me that the dad had power over the son because it was his job to take care of him, to provide and protect him and to use his power use his power to love his son. To me, there is hope in that young man's awareness.

There is hope in the eyes of those kids who say silly things, but stop and realize that their words and actions matter. In that moment of pondering and self-awareness, I see the hope.

Maybe I am just an odd duck and have just arrived quickly at Erickson's life stage of "Generativity vs. Stagnation" earlier than intended, but really I think it is more than that. I think that, even though this work I do is not blatantly spiritual, God is in it. I can't always see it or understand it, but deep down I know, there is work being done. And that gives me hope to deal with another day.

"My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad indeed; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right. Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." - Proverbs 23: 15-18

"Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." - James 1:16-17

Friday, September 9, 2011

So Jonny's Alway's Gotta be Topical....

I need not remind you that it’s the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. It has garnered a huge amount of attention over the past week with ceremonies across America and special programs running one after another on television. Leaving aside the chicken or the egg question of whether the media drives the priority of public attention or vice versa, the public consciousness of America is clearly and heavily focused on this event.

Of course, I completely understand the sentiment driving this attention. It was a horrific tragedy, and any event in which nearly 3,000 people die is worth remembering and the lives lost worth commemorating. The inclination we all have as Americans to identify with the deceased and bereaved in New York even if we are not personally acquainted with them is perfectly natural. We mourn those with which we share a group affiliation more keenly than those with whom we have none. But I doubt many would argue that our grief is inherently more important, or our lives inherently more valuable than those of others.

I am always drawn to view such events in a historical context being the nerd I am, and as such, I am always drawn to the fact that the attacks on 9/11 were not an isolated event which originated and terminated in a vacuum. If one is capable of separating the all-too-often erroneously entangled notions of justification and causation, it is very clear that there were many events in the chain preceding and following the attacks in New York all caught up in the same web. It may be uncomfortable to consider or even unpopular to mention, but tens of thousands of other human lives have been lost in the wake of 9/11, and I cannot help but to publicly declare that the loss of those lives is no less tragic, no matter the difference in circumstances.

I was struck by this photo of a grieving family in Iraq:
(copyright Kate Brooks)

Looking at it, I am clearly reminded of my own feelings of anguish at the untimely loss of my own father. If we focus solely on ourselves and our group, we invite the dangerous temptation to dismiss and dehumanize those outside our range, or even in time grow to hate them. God created us all however, and commanded that we love each other, even those outside of our group. I am reminded of the words of Christ:

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that.”

So on 9/11, I urge us to not spend all our attention on watching replays of the violence, or have our focus go no further than the emotional stimulus of the carnage. Had my own father met his end through foul play rather than a car accident, I think those around me would be justifiably concerned about me if I watched the tape of his murder several times on the anniversary of his death. With this in mind, my plea to all of us observing this anniversary is to expand the scope of our vision. Let us invite context into our narrative, let us reflect on the circumstances and consequences of this chain of events, and let us attempt to empathize with those who are as bereaved as we are on the other side of the world.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kabodie Headband! Kabodie Headband!

I don't approve of his actions, but I do appreciate his methods....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Amid the mountains of curriculum writing and the side-helpings of sports, there has been little time for much else for this Dent. Oh and don't forget the LOTS of sleepy tired moments. Today though, my co-workers and I told some family-children stories. I of course had to share the recent gem that was the rating-of-the-baboons by our very own AG. I enjoyed a much needed laugh with this and the other stories that were shared, what can I say, I love kiddos!! If we were to have the same discussion just a day later I would have to share what I witnessed at the Racetrack just a bit ago.

Picture it, as you walk into your local gas station you can help but see and hear the Dad with his two children, both under the age of 8, at the movie kisok. The dad is trying to make his selections while his daughter, in her swimsuit.... at 9pm.... swings from side to side and his son, clearly upset yells "YOU CAN'T GET ANYMORE MOVIES! YOU CAN'T GET ANY MORE MOVIES!!" The dad calmly asks "what?" (How he could not hear him not sure, but hey) The little boy answers "YOU CAN'T GET ANYMORE MOVIES!!"

"why not?"




"why not?"


"Who told you that?"

(long pause) "I don't know...we can get more?"

"Yes, we can get as many as we want"

...And all was right with the world again for this little guy. The dad never missed a beat and stayed so calm. So, hears to you little-gas-station-man. I hope you enjoy as many movies as you possible can!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And While I'm At it....

I LOVE THIS, so if you haven't seen this either... You. Are. Welcome!

I Can't Get This Out of My Head


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Being Silly and in Love

There are lots of reasons why I love Jonny Dent.... I'm telling you LOTS. Here is just one of the many reasons why....

I love his silliness. I love his smile. And I love how all it takes is a few spare minutes, a iPhone camera and his company to give me a warm heart, tears of joys running down my face and sweet memories. I. am. blessed!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Heart Spring!!

It's no secret that the Dents love them some fall: relief from the southern blistering temps and of course, college football's long-waited arrival are a few things we long for every fall. As awesome as these wonderful things are, I have to admit that spring is a very, very close second for this Dent. Yes, with spring comes yucky sinus problems, but come on! Bluebirds and robins. Sweet families playing in the front yard together. End-of-the-day bike rides on your favorite neighborhood trail...

Pretty pink and blue sunsets...

And the smell of fresh honeysuckles and the memory that smell evokes of afternoon drives home from school with my dad, with the window down and stopping on the side of the road to pick those sweet flowers to my hearts delight. What's not to love? Hope you are able to soak up some of the beauty of this spring!

Spring is the Period
Express from God.
Among the other seasons
Himself abide,

But during March and April
None stir abroad
Without a cordial interview
With God.

"Spring is the Period" by Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Makings of an Axis I: 300.01

For those of you who don't speak DSM-IV TR, 300.01 is the clinical diagnosis code for Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia. Often the symptoms of this disorder come on rapidly and without an identifiable stressor. Even though it may feel like it, I guess I don't quite fit the criteria because my stressor is VERY identifiable... I sit for my state licensing exam on April 19th!!! Today at work I went to schedule something for later in April and I realized just how close I am to my test date and I started to freak out a bit. I got all kinds of worried and I felt like Jessie on the classic episode of Saved By The Bell....

I realize I need to spend A LOT more time with my new best friend (Thank you Mr. Rosenthal!!) Ultimately, I realize that it's kinda scary to think that everything I have been working for over the past couple of years all comes down to this. I do feel a little peace knowing that I on the right path, but I recognize that I am a first born-achiever and I don't have a good track record with standardized test (seriously, do NOT ask me about taking the ACT) Thank God that our potential children have at least half a chance of getting their father's standardized test taking skills! So, really all of this is to ask one little favor: if you think about me over the next 20 or so days, I would love a thought or prayer offered on my behalf.

Thanks for listening to my venting.... now I have to get back to my purple friend (and my DC...let's just be honest I'm gonna need several of these over the next 20 days :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Sewing We Will Go

Self Discovery #1492 : I like sewing.... A Lot! I've dibbled here and there, but when I got my Kindle for graduation, I looked on Etsy and saw some really cute covers and thought I can so do that. So I tried. Since then I've have very much enjoyed my creative expression (read: sewing binge).

Since I made myself like 4 different cases, I figured my Kindle had a large enough wardrobe but Jonny's... well his Kindle needed some clothes. So he got a case.

Then, I found some cute fabric to help our living room feel more cozy. I made two valances and a matching pillow, complete WITH a zipper. This is a pretty big accomplishment for me seeing as how its the first zipper I've ever done. Never-mind, that it killed not one but TWO of my needles on my machine. I still won that battle! I have one more pillow to make but I'm letting my last needle live a bit longer before its inevitably made to walk the plank as well.

This is my latest project: A wrist pincushion.

One month in to 2011 and I have 5 projects finished. I don't know why I have spent so much of my free time using this means of expression. Maybe it is really relaxing to come home and create something, especially on days when I have a student come share a difficult situation with me after a presentation. Regardless, I am enjoying myself. Now off to go finish my college t-shirt quilt that I started almost 3 years ago... I have a strange feeling it will actually get finished this time :)

Monday, January 10, 2011


HAPPY NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP to you all :) It's great to be an Auburn Tiger!!! So Fun and Enough Said!!